In May 2023, the 16th International Workshop on Search-based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT'23) will take place in Melbourne, Australia during ICSE'23. The competition’s goal is to experiment with testing tools for a diverse set of traditional and emerging systems and domains.

The main tool for the competition remains Java, but in addition to that there will also be Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) testing on self-driving cars in simulation environments, such as

We are delighted to be chosen as the main simulation tool for SBFT'23 and we are excited to offer free of charge to all participants of this event. Simply register via our website and specify the intended purpose in the application text.

Important Dates

  • Tool submission: January 13, 2023
  • Benchmark results communicated to authors: February 24, 2023
  • Submission of camera-ready paper: March 17, 2023